‘Vrolijke vrienden’


On the 19th of October all students, parents and teachers of St Andrews, Green Valley Campus participated in the always excising event: International Day. Of course, the Dutch Stream contributed in full swing.

Last year we taught everybody that the ‘bird dance’ was a jingle written by a man from Switzerland but released by a Dutch music company, hence we claim a bit of the success of the song.

This year we focused on a section of the Dutch Stream that keeps on growing: the Belgian students.

When the Dutch Stream at St Andrews started in 2006, a total of 12 children participated in the program we offered. Of those 12, two were from Belgium. Nowadays, 44 students come to the Dutch Stream classroom and 12 are from the country of ‘De Leeuw van Vlaanderen’. That number will most likely grow as more and more Belgian families become aware of the possibilities the Stream offers for them and their children.

To let everybody at St Andrews know about this development we focused on the Belgium community during the ‘International Day general assembly’ by introducing their most famous song for children: ‘vrolijke vrienden’ to the rest of Green Valley Campus students.

At the end of the performance we managed to not only introduce the tune, but also to get them all singing along with the chorus; an exciting experience!

Another ‘vrolijke vriend’ who comes along every year around the 4th of December is Sinterklaas. He is the patron for children in the Roman Catholic Church. As such, he shows his appreciation towards them by handing out presents and candy, like ‘pepernoten’, on his birthday, which is the 5th of December.

Although he has a busy schedule, Sint always allocates time in his agenda for all St Andrews students to meet and paint a smile on their face, by handing out presents. To make sure everybody would notice he’s at school, he rented a ‘disco- car’ for his arrival. The sound would alert the students. It sure did!

If you want more information about the Stream, please feel free to send us an e-mail to: [email protected] or call us at: +66 (0) 3803 0701 ext. 202. We hope more “vrolijke vrienden’ will join our Stream! Met vriendelijke groet!