Thailand now accepts Smart Visa registration


Bangkok – The Board of Investment (BOI) Secretary-General, Duangjai Asawachintachit, says the government is now accepting applications for Smart Visas, which are aimed to attract investment and help push the nation towards the Thailand 4.0 economic model.

Smart Visas will be offered for foreign nationals who wish to work or invest in Thailand in 10 S-Curve industries. The visas are given in four categories, namely high skilled experts in science and technology, investors, high-level executives, and start-up businesses.

The Smart Visas will also come with a work permit, and will allow up to four-year residency in Thailand with a report-in every one year, and will allow multiple entrance and exits without having to apply for the traditional re-entry permit.

Smart Visa applications can be submitted from Feb 1 at the Visa and Work Permit Service Center at Chamchuri Square Building in Bangkok. Applicants are accepted subject to certain requirements put forward by the government. More information can be acquired by calling 0 2209 1100, extension 1109 and 1110.