Transport Minister makes inspection trip to road service unit in Uttaradit


BANGKOK, 15th April 2018 – The Transport Minister has undertaken a journey to an official road service unit in Uttaradit, at a location formerly known to be at high risk of road accidents.

Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith has taken a team of ministry officials to inspect the road service unit on Khao Plung in Mueang Uttaradit District, where many accidents have taken place in the past.

Since being noted as a high-risk location, around 30 kilometers of Khao Plung have been made into an exemplary example of success in stopping road accidents occuring at such a risky spot.

Several measures have been introduced in the area, including more no speeding signs on both sides of the road, more warning lights on the barrier and an anti-skid road surface.

It was also announced that the Transport Ministry has set up service units on 61 routes, which were chosen after a review of accident records in 2017 and the previous three years.

These roadways were picked because of high volume traffic conditions.