Growing old – the end game


Many seniors will tell you just how dreadful old age really is.  However, even if you don’t like getting older, with all the attendant aches and pains, it still beats the alternative!

There are also people like my father who was only afraid of one thing – growing old.  So he didn’t.  He died aged 56 of a massive heart attack, and missed the enjoyment of watching children and grandchildren grow up, and holiday travel, because for pensioners, every day is a holiday.

Fact Number 1: we are all getting older.  Not wiser nor necessarily richer, just older.  Just keep your seat reserved in God’s waiting room and you’ll be right.

OK, so we are all living longer, what can we do to get our arthritic hands on the elixir of youth?  If you believe the popular press, the answer to aging is multivitamins.  Peddling mega-vitamins is a megabuck industry, credited with improving your health, your love life and fixing everything from falling hair to falling stock markets.

The question is, should you take daily doses of antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin A and C or selenium to protect yourself against cancer, heart disease or tinea?  There is some scientific suggestion that people who have a high level of antioxidants in their diet may have a lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers.  That is why the nutritionists say we should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.  However, other studies also seem to suggest that taking those same antioxidants in pill form may not have the same effect and may even be harmful.  Who do you believe?

Cancer Research UK says, “These products don’t seem to give the same benefits as vitamins that naturally occur in our food.”

The British Heart Foundation agrees, “Research does not support the claim that taking extra antioxidants in the form of supplements will benefit the heart.”

Catherine Collins, chief dietitian at St George’s Hospital in London says, “The whole idea that you must meet some vitamin and mineral target every day of your life is a marketing myth.  You can eat lots of fruit and veg one day and not much the next but over a week you will still get the right amount of nutrients.  There is very little scientific evidence that there is any benefit whatsoever in taking a daily multivitamin – even in old people.  You cannot exist on a poor diet then shore yourself up with a multivitamin.  The idea that taking high quantities of vitamins will give you a health boost – like putting premium petrol in your car – is complete nonsense.”

Dr Toni Steer, nutritionist with the British Medical Research Council’s Human Nutrition Research in Cambridge, states supplements cannot compete with real food because when we eat fruits and vegetables the vitamins and nutrients interact with other chemicals to produce positive effects on the body.  “If these same vitamins are pulled out and isolated in pill form, there is no guarantee at all that they will have the same effect.”  This is the old in vivo and in vitro argument.

Another nail in the multivitamin pill coffin came from the US journal of the National Cancer Institute which found that men with prostate cancer who took more than seven multivitamins a week were 30 percent more likely to get an advanced and fatal form of the disease.

The American Medical Association found that people who took antioxidant vitamin tablets (particularly vitamins A and E, and beta-carotene) were more likely to die earlier than those who did not.  Oops!  That isn’t something you will read on the back of the multivitamin bottle.

Let’s look at the old Vitamin C to ward off the common cold, as proposed many years ago by Linus Pauling.  Common claim: one gram doses will ward off or even cure the common cold.  Reality check: the human body can absorb only 500 milligrams of vitamin C and will excrete the excess.  Vitamin C reduces the average length of a common cold from five days to four and a half – if you are lucky.

The answer in staying young is to stay active, keep the mind exercised and do things you enjoy.  Just do it!