Rain stops play for PSC Softball

PSC Softballers pose for a group photo.

Sunday, 13 May saw the numbers grow a bit from the inaugural PSC Recreational Softball outing last week as players, including two members of the Thai Women’s National Softball team from Bangkok were on hand to participate.

With the field set up and both teams warmed up and ready to go, the heavens opened up drenching the field and sending the players to cover.  It was soon obvious the field would be unplayable for a least a couple of hours so all agreed to “postpone due to inclement weather” and meet up again, same place, same time, next Sunday, May 20.

For complete information regarding the PSC Recreational Softball program; contacts, schedule, location, etc., please visit the “Softball” page on the PSC website at www. pattayasports.org. All players are welcome and it cannot rain every Sunday afternoon can it?