Attn City Hall



Attn City Hall: Jomtien Beach can be a great place to visit, sunbathe, spend the day, swim, have children play, and relax, we just need to get Pattaya City Hall to realize that there is an important serious need to have:

1. More workers removing trash from the waterline to the street, including around storm drains.

2. Garbage collection should take place after midnight and before 7am.

3. The dumpsters should be placed back in a proper manner, after dumped and cleaned around area at that time, not later, the trash washed into the storm drains with the water truck.

4. The empty dumpsters stink, due to not removing, replacing with clean often enough and or not spraying any disinfectant into them, they are covered bacteria and flies.

5. Imposing fines to people that litter is very important.

The Pollution Solution Group

Gerry T. Rasmus

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