Father Ray studies student performance

Father Ray President Rev. Peter Pattarapong Srivorakul and Redemptorist School for Persons with Disabilities head Rev. Michael Picharn Jaiseri chair the charity’s annual planning meeting.
Father Ray President Rev. Peter Pattarapong Srivorakul and Redemptorist School for Persons with Disabilities head Rev. Michael Picharn Jaiseri chair the charity’s annual planning meeting.

Top Father Ray Foundation executives at the charity’s annual planning meeting received a progress report on how disabled students were doing.

Father Ray President Rev. Peter Pattarapong Srivorakul and Redemptorist School for Persons with Disabilities head Rev. Michael Picharn Jaiseri chaired the June 12 meeting.

The session was called to recap results of a student survey so new budgets and educational efforts can be considered.

The two spoke about new projects to help drive the students to be more self-sufficient and to be better prepared to gain meaningful employment.

Teachers also presented details of the survey and suggested options for students in need.

Father Ray officials will study the results of the survey and announce new initiatives at a later meeting.