Butler bags a brace

John Doyle.
John Doyle.

The Jomtien Golf Society

Monday, June 11, Pattavia – Stableford

There were probably half a dozen groups on the first tee upon arrival but after we checked in the marshall moved us to the tenth and this gave us no problems at all.

Steven Cliff recorded the best score of the day, winning division 2 with 35 points while Peter Davies was in the frame again, coming in second with 32. In third place with a 17/14 back-nine count-back was Leo Adam who beat John Doyle after they both came in with 31 points each.

Some lower scores in division 1 with Paul Butler winning with 30 points and Paul Young finishing second after beating Bill Kana on a 10/8 back-six count-back, both scoring 28 points overall.

There were four nearest the pins in both divisions today and amazingly there was not one person on the green in division 1. Ray Daws, John Doyle and Peter Thomas were the winners in division 2.

There were no ‘2’s in division 1 but in division 2 Pete Thomas picked up two rollovers with his birdie on the 17th.

Wednesday, June 13, Green Valley – Stableford

This was our first round here for some considerable time and the weather and the forecast looked promising. It was a tough test of golf out there and Peter Davies won division 2 with just 33 points. Leo Adam came in second behind Peter on 30 points and Steven Cliff was third with 28.

Paul Butler was the winner in division 1 with 28 points and then there were two 27’s fighting for second, with Alan Bissell beating John Carlin on the back-nine.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Paul Butler (2), and (Div 2) Alan Bissell, Peter Davies and Ray Daws.

There were no ‘2’s in either division today.

Friday, June 15, Eastern Star – Stableford

The fairways here today were in very good condition and much improved from previous weeks while the greens here are still very slick.

An equal cut in the two divisions today of 10-19.0 and 19.2 + and on top of the podium in division 2 was Tony Thorne with 37 points. Steven Cliff took second on 35, John Doyle placed third with 34 and Glyn Evans finished fourth on 29.

Colin Aspinall was the winner in division 1 with 36 points, Paul Young came second on 35 and then there were three 31-pointers scrambling for third place. A count-back saw Frank Kelly take the bronze, John Carlin finish fourth and Jerry Sweetnam just lose out.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Jerry Sweetnam (2), and (Div 2) Leo Adam, Steve Cohen and John Doyle (2).

There were no ‘2’s in division 1 but with a birdie on the 6th with two rollovers in division 2, John Doyle and his lovely lady walked away a happy couple.