Regent’s Presents returns with two upcoming instalments


The Regent’s School Pattaya is very excited to announce the future speakers of Regent’s Presents and welcome all of the school and wider community to join us on the 4th February and 6th March for these thought-provoking guest speaker presentations.

First up on the 4th February, a man with a true passion for adventure and who has always embraced his curious mind and encourages others to follow suit, Dan Kizner. All are able to join the school for ‘The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Learning – how School gets in the way, and why it doesn’t have to’.

This instalment of Regent’s Presents will have us all thinking about how we can transform our educational environments so that barriers to learning can be minimised or even eliminated all together. We’ll discuss what it would take to make powerful learning experiences possible for every student, every day and ensure that school is not a difficult or tedious place. Dan’s experience at Jump! Foundation (a charity that envisions a world where young people fulfil their true potentials as individuals, community leaders and global citizens) will have every one of us, whether student, parent or staff, thinking about how important a learning environment can be.

The following month, on 6th March, the Regent’s School Pattaya will be welcoming Shark Guardian; an organisation that strives to advance education and conservation of shark species worldwide. Using a combination of images and film, students, parents and staff members will be able to really learn from these experienced shark divers and find out why sharks are so important for our marine eco system and all life on Earth.

Both instalments are certainly not to be missed and the school looks forward to welcoming its guests as well as the wider community.

For more information or to reserve a seat please call 038 418 777 222.