ED is more than a talking horse


It seems that a large percentage of expat males in this country live in fear of ED.  Not Ed the talking horse of the 60’s black and white TV, but Erectile Dysfunction!  It is seems this affliction is life threatening.

Judging by the number of signs outside small medical clinics, Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, must be very prevalent in Thailand.  The sign usually indicates the treatment as well, where take your choice from Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.  It’s all there on the sign.  Salvation is here.  Hallelujah, ED has been conquered, just like we did with smallpox all those years ago.

I used to have a very old cat.  Didn’t do much, just slept under the back stairs most of the day.  Got up a couple of times for a pee and something to eat and then went back to sleep again.  But that cat was a hell-raiser in his heyday.  No female tabby cat was safe with him around.

What has that to do with ED, I hear you ask?  I would suggest – everything!  You see, I believe that lots of males out there get this ED label hung around their necks, until they begin to believe it.  Somehow, this fit young virile 50 year old suddenly gets this disease called ED when in his 60’s.  Where did this disease come from?  How did he get it?  How do you get rid of it, and how do the rest of you make sure you don’t get it either?

Before we get too much further into this, I want you to think back to when you were in your late teens, early twenties.  You could run 100 meters in well under 13 seconds.  Now you probably can’t run that distance at all.  Is this a new disease?  Should we call it “Leg Dysfunction”, or LD for short?

When you were in your twenties, you had no problems reading the newspaper, but by the time you were 40, it was becoming a bit of a problem.  By the time you were 60, you really had problems with distance vision as well as reading.  We should probably call this “Visual Dysfunction”, but the initials VD have already been taken, so let’s call it “Seeing Dysfunction”, or SD for short.

In your twenties you probably didn’t have any problems with the erectile thingy either.  You know, the dangly bits.  In fact, it was probably overactive.  But as you got older, the frequency and intensity began to slow up somewhat.  By the time you were 60 you were told you had this terrible disease – ED.  But what’s the difference between LD, SD and ED?

I would suggest to you, that there is no difference.  I made up LD and SD, because neither is a true “dysfunction”, but just the natural aging that occurs.  Likewise, I would suggest that ED is not a true “dysfunction” when it occurs later in life.  It is just part of the natural aging process too.  You haven’t got a disease.  You’re just growing older, like my cat.

Now there are a few differences from Mr. Tom Cat and Mr. Tom Expat.  Sex is not just procreational, it is recreational, and is something about which we have built up great mystique.  We judge ourselves on our horizontal abilities, rather than our intellectual achievements.  Those with younger wives feel that they are letting the side down (or something else) if they cannot rise to the occasion (sorry about that) every night, or every second night, or every “whenever” that you have decided “homework” should be done.

So what should be done about it?  Well, first off, the Viagra, Cialis, etc., do work, but they open up much more than just the door to the bedroom, they open you up to physical exercise (I was going to say “viagorous” exercise, but Ms. Hillary stole that line) for which your body might not be fit enough.  This is why these medications should only be taken after examination by a doctor, to ensure your general level of fitness is good enough.  Homework shouldn’t become undertaker’s work!

Talk to your doctor and get a good check-up first!