Odds and Ends – Friday December 21, 2018 – December 27, 2018


Mmm … Bacon! Vending machine a hit on Ohio State U campus

Columbus, Ohio (AP) – Many Ohio State University students are taking a break from studying for final exams by making a bacon run. Senior Sarah Page, who studies meat science, says the bacon vending machine at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has turned out to be even more popular than expected. It has to be restocked four or five times a day. It offers cooked bacon strips and bacon bits for $1. The Ohio Pork Council sponsored the machine, with bacon donations from Smithfield, Hormel and Sugardale. Pre-dental student Shay Merritte loves “the overall Ohioness of it.” And the bacon.


It’s now or never pedestrians: German town has Elvis lights

Berlin (AP) – Keep your blue suede shoes behind the curb: the central German town where Elvis Presley was stationed as a U.S. soldier in the 1950s has installed three pedestrian lights with images of the American rock icon. The red shows an image of the singer striking a pose at a microphone and the green depicts his trademarked hip swivel dance.

They went online this week in the town of Friedberg, where Elvis, who died in 1977, was stationed at the U.S. Army’s Ray Barracks from October 1958 to March 1960. He lived in nearby Bad Nauheim. Friedberg, north of Frankfurt, already has an “Elvis Presley Platz” – Elvis Presley Square – and decided to add the three lights as an added attraction for the many Elvis fans who already make the pilgrimage to the town.

(AP Photo/Michael Probst)
(AP Photo/Michael Probst)

Movie has cattle call for real cows, dairy need not apply

Cincinnati (AP) – A film promotion organization in Cincinnati is holding a cattle call for actual cattle. The nonprofit Film Cincinnati put out a vague call for a major motion picture Friday, saying it needed cows for a movie. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports the request is specific about what types of cows are needed. Only non-milking brown and white cows need apply. Film Cincinnati says the cows should also be human friendly, halter trained, and from the same herd. But it’s unclear what movie is being filmed with the cows.


Officials: Woman passes gas, pulls knife on offended man

Dania Beach, Fla. (AP) – A Florida woman faces an aggravated assault charge after authorities say she passed gas in line at a dollar store and pulled a knife on a man who complained about it. Citing a Broward Sheriff’s Office report, the Miami Herald reports 37-year-old Shanetta Yvette Wilson passed gas while waiting in line at a Dollar General Sunday night and upset a nearby customer. The report says the offended customer and Wilson then got into an argument “in reference to the defendant farting loudly.” It says Wilson then pulled a small folding knife out of her purse and told the victim she was going to “gut” him while moving as if to attack him. Wilson was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. It’s unclear if she has a lawyer.


Vermont couple looking for family peacock among the turkeys

Springfield, Vt. (AP) – A Vermont woman whose family peacock ran off with a flock of turkeys says she’s hopeful to get close enough to catch it with a net. The peacock belonging to Rene and Brian Johnson has been on the run for six weeks. On Wednesday, the Johnsons posted a message on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Facebook page: “My peacock has run off with the turkeys. Do you have any suggestions on how to catch the little twerp?” Rene Johnson told WCAX-TV she thinks the bird she calls Pea was lonely so it sought turkey companions. Johnson said Friday she got close to Pea on Thanksgiving Day, but couldn’t catch it. Johnson says she’s worried about the cold, but she recognizes the unusual situation, which she says is “kind of funny, actually.”

(Rene Johnson via AP)
(Rene Johnson via AP)