Nongprue cracks down on sidewalk vendors

Nongprue officials evicted street vendors set up illegally on the sidewalks of Soi Khao Noi. They also tracked down the owners of cars who had parked on the footpath.
Nongprue officials evicted street vendors set up illegally on the sidewalks of Soi Khao Noi. They also tracked down the owners of cars who had parked on the footpath.

Nongprue officials evicted street vendors set up illegally on the sidewalks of Soi Khao Noi.

Sutin Rakano, deputy chief for the sub-district’s regulatory enforcement department and his team inspected the area opposite Chokchai Market Jan. 9 following from Soi Khao Noi residents.

A shop and restaurants had expanded their sales areas onto the public sidewalk for about four meters. Officers asked the business owners to move their property inside.

They also tracked down the owners of cars who had parked on the footpath.