Cabinet adjusts the budget for low-cost housing project


Bangkok – The Cabinet this past week resolved to adjust the budget for the 1-million-unit low-cost housing project, after the public showed overwhelming interest in the program.

Spokesperson for the deputy prime minister for economic affairs, Natporn Jatusripitak said that earlier the government set a budget of 20 billion baht to help those earning less than 25,000 baht a month and 30 billion baht for those who earn more than 25,000 baht to buy a house from the initiative. The adjustment, proposed by the Finance Ministry, increases the budget for the former group to 40 billion baht, and decreases the budget for the latter group to 10 billion baht.

Furthermore, the cabinet also moved the deadline for those interested in the program to complete the loan deal with the Government Housing Bank from December 30th this year to December 30th 2021.

Meanwhile, Deputy Government Spokesperson Colonel Athisit Chainuwat said that the Cabinet has resolved to deliberate on the national strategy master plan next week, citing possible issues that may occur due to the overwhelming amount of detail presented in the plan for each ministry.