Coronation commemorative pins available at various spots nationwide


Bangkok – Coronation commemorative pins are now on sale and the Government is inviting people to wear the pin for four months to celebrate the important royal ceremony.

The 3.8cm commemorative pin is made of a copper-tin alloy, its front gold against a blue backing, and it bears the King’s emblem, a nine-tiered and a seven-tiered umbrella, a strip of gold silk and a lion in white enamel. There is a Kochasinga in pinkish purple enamel, royal coronation 2019 text in rusty green.

The pin is sold in a box of embossed coated paper, coated with golden yellow and plastic. The top is decorated with a royal coronation emblem. The pins are 300 baht each.

The proceeds, after deducting all expenses, will be presented to His Majesty the King to be dispensed through royal charity projects.

For general attire, the pin should be attached to the left side and for a suit, the left collar.

The public can place orders at Thailand’s post offices nationwide. Online orders are accepted at Orders can also be placed through Big C Supercenter Plc., which has been provided with 150,000 pins for distribution.

Each person is entitled to two commemorative pins. The reservation period starts on April 25 until stocks run out.