Upgrade of Rama IX Sailing Monument inches forward

Pattaya took another baby step toward accomplishing its announced goal of upgrading the King Rama IX sailing monument on Beach Road.
Pattaya took another baby step toward accomplishing its announced goal of upgrading the King Rama IX sailing monument on Beach Road.

Pattaya took another baby step toward accomplishing its announced goal of upgrading the King Rama IX sailing monument on Beach Road.

Deputy Mayor Banlue Kullavanijaya chaired a June 20 meeting with city officials and representatives from the Royal Thai Navy, Yacht Racing Association of Thailand and Marine Department.

He said the monument – erected to honor HM the late King Bhumibol’s winning voyage from Hua Hin in the 4th Southeast Asian Games – has deteriorated over time and is need of upgrade.

The meeting resolved to let the Fine Arts Department come up with a new design.

The city announced in late March its intention to improving the landscaping around the monument, fence it off and make it more prominent, but had done nothing toward that goal in the past three months. (PCPR)