Young Marines Pattaya attend ANZAC Day in Kanchanaburi


At dawn on 25 April 1915, the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), along with forces from Britain, India, and France landed on the shores of Gallipoli during World War I. Casualties were extremely heavy during this campaign. Now on this day, the people of Australia and New Zealand commemorate their dead from all wars.

During World War II over 12,000 POWs died building the Thailand – Burma Railway (Death Railway), many of these POWs were Australians. In Thailand on every 25th of April, the Australian and New Zealand embassies sponsor ANZAC Day commemorative services. At Hellfire Pass there is a Dawn Service and a late morning service at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery.

Young Marines in Hellfire Pass. (L to R) Unit Commander Rad, PFC Bret and Adult Leader Nok Mays. (Photo by Adult Leader Joey Fink)Young Marines in Hellfire Pass. (L to R) Unit Commander Rad, PFC Bret and Adult Leader Nok Mays. (Photo by Adult Leader Joey Fink)

Representatives from the Young Marines of Pattaya attended this year’s ANZAC Day services at Hellfire Pass and the Kanchanaburi War Cemetery. During this four day trip and prior to attending the ANZAC Day services, the detail hiked up the mountain from near Hintok POW River Camp 2 until finding the old un-maintained Death Railway track bed. From there they followed it to Compressor Cutting, Pack of Card Bridge site, Hintok Station and the Double Track and on to Hellfire Pass.

Dawn ANZAC Day service in Hellfire Pass.Dawn ANZAC Day service in Hellfire Pass.

After attending the ANZAC Day services, the detail toured the Thailand – Burma Railway Centre and made the walk to the other side of the “Bridge over the River Kwai”.

If you know of anyone seeking adventure and are willing to take on Honor, Courage and Commitment, then maybe they may want to become a Young Marine. If so, please contact Rad Mays at 083 115 8694 or email to [email protected]

Young Marines Pattaya Thailand is an affiliate of Young Marines Washington DC, USA.

Part of the Honor Guard in Hellfire Pass Dawn ANZAC Day service.Part of the Honor Guard in Hellfire Pass Dawn ANZAC Day service.

PFC Bret Mays with an Australian POW survivor of the Death Railway in Burma.PFC Bret Mays with an Australian POW survivor of the Death Railway in Burma.

Adult Leader Nok Mays with a 92-year-old Australian former POW who labored in Hellfire Pass.Adult Leader Nok Mays with a 92-year-old Australian former POW who labored in Hellfire Pass.

Part of Kanchanaburi War Cemetery and location of ANZAC Day service.Part of Kanchanaburi War Cemetery and location of ANZAC Day service.

Young Marines PFC Bret Mays at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery’s ANZAC Day service.Young Marines PFC Bret Mays at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery’s ANZAC Day service.