Thiery Petrement tops leaderboard at Burapha


Billabong Golf

Burapha C and D loops today as there was a quite large tournament being played on A and B loops. The course was empty apart from a 4 ball of Koreans in front of us and the day just flowed along. The storm that threatened came to nothing really just a little spray of drizzle and that was it.

The course was in great condition as usual the greens were fast and with the little shower held there line.

We had two visitors today, Thiery Petrement – well he’s not really a visitor it’s just he’s been away overseas for so long it’s a wonder we recognised him, but great to have you back mate. The other was a friend from a while ago, Johannis from Zurich and who was having his last game for this trip.

The scoring wasn’t that flash but playing these two nines it is no wonder. There was a count back between Thiery Temime and Tim Knight both on 32 points with Tim being relegated to 3rd spot with 15 points on the back nine to Thiery’s 16.

The winner Thiery Petrement scored 33 points and got the only two of the day. Welcome back mate.