TAT Releases Study of Four Key Target Niche-Markets


Bangkok – 28 June, 2013: The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has published a study of four key target niche markets that will be a major focus of its future marketing efforts in 2014 and beyond: health and wellness, golf, honeymoon and weddings, and ecotourism.

The study was intended to identify the potential and size of each of the four segments as well as to encourage the development of high-quality products and services to cater to the growing number of visitors in each. The conclusions and recommendations will be used as background information for the TAT’s 2014 Marketing Action Plan and also help the planning and marketing efforts of other travel-related public and private sector agencies and organisations.

Based on 30,000 interviews and questionnaires conducted and analysed between April 2012 – March 2013, the study identified both the source countries/regions of these key niche markets as well as the factors driving the decision-making process.

The study estimates that the number of foreign visitors who visited Thailand for the purpose of undertaking an activity related to the four market segments totalled 7.98 million person/trips, generating a total income of 130.9 billion Baht. This can be broken down as follows:

Person/trips: Green tourism generated a total of 5,344,534 person/trips; wedding and honeymoon1,043,684 person/trips, health and wellness 858,340 person/trips, and golf 737,861 person/trips.

Estimated revenue earnings: Green tourism 54.68 billion Baht, wedding and honeymoon 34.62 billion Baht, health and wellness 31.12 billion Baht, and golf 10.54 billion Baht.

Summary analysis of the driving forces by source market/regions

Health and Wellness: The major source markets are the Middle East, ASEAN, and Europe with key driving factors being good hospitality and service, short waiting times and world-class facilities. The most preferable services are medical check-up, medical treatment, dental and surgery.

Golf: The major source markets are East Asia, ASEAN, and Europe. The key driving factors are the quality of golf courses, beautiful scenery and desire to play in well-known courses.

Wedding and Honeymoon: The major source markets are East Asia, Europe and ASEAN regions. The key driving factors are beautiful beaches, luxury hotels and good climate.

Green Tourism: The major source markets are Europe, East Asia and ASEAN. The key driving factors are interesting attractions, high enjoyment levels and safety/security.

Mr. Pongsathorn Kessasamli, Deputy Governor for Policy and Planning said, “Our focus on niche markets is the way of the future. With 22 million arrivals in 2012 and 24 million projected this year, we have to clearly move beyond trying to generate quantitative, numerical growth. We are now trying to achieve the balanced philosophy of enhancing qualitative growth and also improve the quality of our products and services accordingly.

“The new strategy is to focus on niche markets. During this time of global economic unpredictability, we believe it is right to focus on these qualities and niche sectors of the market, as they are more likely to be ‘recession proof’. We believe we have the right range of products to cater to all four niche-markets,” Mr. Pongsathorn said.

Contact information:

International Public Relations Division

Tourism Authority of Thailand

Tel: +66 (0) 2250 5500 ext. 4544-48

Fax: +66 (0) 2253 7419

E-mail: [email protected]

Web site: www.tatnews.org