Sweetnam hits form at Burapha


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, June 24, Khao Kheow – Stableford

We played the C and A loops today with two divisions out and the equal cut was 5-15 in division 1 and 16+ in division 2.  All groups survived the heavy cloud coverage with no rain whatsoever throughout the round.  We played off the yellow tees, one in front of the back marker as always at around 6350 yards and everyone was happy with this.

32 points was the best score in for the day in both divisions, with Billy Fitzgerald winning division 1 ahead of Kari Kuparinen in second two points behind and Lindsay Phillips third on 28.

Colin James.Colin James.

Pepo Frick, alias Michael Schumaker driving at 180km down the 7 today, won division 2 on 32 points and ‘Count back’ Burnie, as always, beat Colin James 19/14 on the back nine after they both came in with 30 points.

Near pins went to Billy Fitzgerald, Kari Kuparinen (2), Lindsay Phillips, Pepo Frick, Glenn King and Mark Jennings.

Curtis Hessler birdied A5 to record the only ‘2’ of the day and take the pot in division 2.

Wednesday, June 26, Burapha – Stableford

There were seven four-balls out today, 28 players and we were allocated the C and D nines as A and B were closed.  It is a partially cloudy day but it did not look threatening as we teed off 15 minutes ahead of schedule.

The cut was made at 5-17 in division 1 and 18 plus and the best score of the day came in the top flight from Jerry Sweetnam, winning division 1 with 39 points.  Don Head was second two points behind and there were four players fighting for third place on 35 points; Neville Scurrell took the podium position with 20 points on the back nine, beating Paul Butler (19), Billy Fitzgerald (17) and Lindsay Phillips (13).

Pepo Frick topped division 2 with 37 points, Eiichi was second on 35 and Colin James beat Jimmy Johnson on a 11/10 back nine count back for third after they both scored 33 points.

John Oxley.John Oxley.

The weather held out for most of the round with the last group being hit on the eighteenth hole with a heavy downpour but this was not a problem.

Near pins went to Kari Kuparinen (2), Jouni Metsanen, Jerry Sweetnam, Paul Hartley, Dannie Larsen (2) and Miss Pink a.k.a. Miss Nut.

Don Head birdied D2 and Chris Voller C8 to share a rollover ‘2’s pot in division 1 and Eiichi birdied C8 for the only ‘2’ in the second division.

Friday, June 28, Eastern Star – Stableford

There were two divisions out today with the cut at 9-20 in division 1 and Colin James came in with 35 points to win division 2.  Still in form, Pepo Frick took second on 32 and Tim Hake was third with 28, beating the ograniser on a back nine count back of 14/13.

Paul Hartley headed division 1 with 34points, with Bill Bertram beating Marty Rock on a 7/6 back-three count back for second after they both scored 31 points, 17 each on the back nine and 12 points on the back six.

Near pins were claimed by Bill Bertram, Marty Rock, Chris Voller, Roar Berger and Colin James.

There were no ‘2’s today in either division so a double rollover to eastern Star next Friday.

Tim Hake.Tim Hake.