Ad-hoc U-turn imperils Highway 36 drivers in Pattaya

The U-Turn on Highway 36 in Nong Plalai opened for use with no signs or lights.
The U-Turn on Highway 36 in Nong Plalai opened for use with no signs or lights.

An ad-hoc U-turn on Highway 36 has motorists worrying about the risk for accidents.

Unlike the rest of the highway that recently was resurfaced and expanded from four to six lanes, the section in Nong Plalai looks like the work of amateurs or was forgotten by road workers.

The surface is made of crushed gravel and there are no signs or lights. The Highways Department has not properly marked the U-turn nor explained why it is not properly surfaced and lit like elsewhere. But there is one thing drivers do know: Almost totally hidden after dark, the U-turn eventually will be the site of a horrendous accident.
