Pattaya sustains sunny & partly cloudy week, summer thunderstorm hit Northern Thailand


Weather Warning Announcement
“Summer Thunderstorm upper Thailand”
No. 1 Time Issued: March 18, 2020

During 20 – 23 March 2020, the westerly trough will move through the North and the Northeast with the southerly and the southeasterly wind prevails over the upper country where hot to very hot weather conditions. Thunderstorm with gusty wind and isolated hails are forecast for the North, the Northeast, the Central and the East including Bangkok and vicinity.

People should keep off unsecured building and outdoor and farmers beware of crop damage.

The advisory is in effect on 18 March 2020, at 05.00 p.m.

This next issue will be at 19 March 2020, at 5.00 a.m.

(Signed) Gp.Capt. Somsak Khaosuwan

(Somsak Khaosuwan)


Thai Meteorological Department


Thailand Weather – General Situation

The heat low cover upper Thailand while the southerly and southeasterly coming with the humidity into the Northeast, the East and the Central. Meanwhile, the South gets easterly winds across the Gulf. In the upper Thailand, hot to very hot condition still covers while less thundershowers are expected in the North, the Northeast, the East, the Central and the South. People in upper Thailand should stay safe due to the severe weather. During 20-23 Mar, the upper Thailand will have thunderstorm, strike of lightning with gusty winds and hails in some areas. People should keep off unsecured building and outdoor and farmers beware of crop damage.

Chiang Mai – Weather Forecast

7day Weather Forecast – March 18, 2020 – March 24, 2020

During 18 – 19 Mar, the heat low covers upper Thailand with hot to very hot in the upper country. The Southerly and Southeasterly wind brings moisture to the Northeast East, the Central ant the East with isolated thundershowers. The weak easterly wind prevails across the South and the Gulf with isolated rain over the South. During 20 – 24 Mar, the westerly trough will move through the North and the Northeast with the southerly and the southeasterly wind prevails over the upper country where hot to very hot weather conditions. Thunderstorm with gusty wind and isolated hails are forecast for the North, the Northeast, the Central and the East including Bangkok and vicinity. The easterly prevailing the South and the Gulf will strengthen and cause more rain in the South.

Pattaya – Weather Forecast

During 20 – 24 Mar, people in upper Thailand should beware of severe conditions.