Can live here cheaply


Dear Sir;

Re: letter ‘Don’t expect to live here on nothing’ PM 19th July from Robert.

A realistic rent for low end decent accommodation is not 12,000 baht per month but more like 6-8,000 baht.

You state “western food cannot be had (even a hamburger) for less than 100 baht unless it is a breakfast which can give two eggs, cold toast and fatty bacon plus coffee for 99 baht to 180 baht for a good breakfast.

Rubbish! I can get a buffet breakfast for 125 baht or alternatively a set breakfast consisting of 2 sausages, 2 eggs, 2 bacon, fried bread, toast, beans, tomato, black pudding, mushrooms, tea or coffee, orange juice for 99 baht. Monday to Saturday a decent lunch/dinner 120 baht. Sunday lunch eat as much as you like. 5 meats and 7 vegetables. Baht 190.

Yours faithfully,

Neil Surtees