Recipe for disaster


Dear Hillary,

Over my years in LOS (33 now), there is nothing you can do to save a friend from a life changing event (with a bar girl).  Had one who abandoned his U.S. family, took their life’s saving and bought into a bar in Patpong, back when you could walk the sois.  Two years later he died a miserable lonely, slow, broke death.  Another, did the up country house, with life’s savings, six months later he was out, and drank himself to death in Chang Mai.

Every conceivable way to ruin a farangs life, I have seen first hand.  You can talk a blue streak all the way to the U.K. and he will still do as he pleases because his heart and organ are over ruling his brain and he’ll hate you for it, unless you support his decisions.

Have friends who have asked me to give $$$ to their girlfriends, or asked that I look in on them, now they don’t ask because I have always refused.  If and when the relationship goes south, I will have no hand in it, and won’t be the messenger.

Have, or had, a friend who I haven’t heard from in months, my emails and calls have gone unanswered.  Built the house up country, shipped or thought he shipped a load of expensive furniture from Aus.  His lady told my wife the furniture never got to the ship, nor can he find who he gave $10,000 USD to ship it.  Is he angry at me?  I told him exactly how I did it when my wife and I retired.  What he did, no idea.  Everyone’s life is their own to ruin, and no different here than anywhere else, just takes less time here.


Dear Pickles,

If everyone was as smart as you, there would be no need for me!  The problem comes down to the fact that unsolicited advice is never appreciated!  Keep going, Petal, you have the right answers.