Human Help Network distributes good quality facemasks to the public in Pattaya

A man gratefully accepts a face mask from Pirun Noyimjai.
A man gratefully accepts a face mask from Pirun Noyimjai.

In recent weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for face masks caused an acute shortage in the market and many people could not even buy one at the pharmacy.

If one could buy one, it was at a very high price. Many people turned to making their own cloth one, which somehow became quite popular because you could wash them and reuse them.

Seeing the desperate need for face masks in Pattaya, Enrico Egli and his family donated funds to the Human Help Network Foundation (Thailand) with which the staff and children worked together to sew good quality muslin cloth face masks for themselves and for distribution to the public who needed one. On Wednesday April 15, Pirun Noyimjai, manager of children’s center and his staff drove along Pattaya Beach Road distributing the good quality face masks to the public who were gratified to receive one.

Policemen also need face masks to protect themselves from the deadly coronavirus.
Policemen also need face masks to protect themselves from the deadly coronavirus.
A security guard shows off his prized face mask.
A security guard shows off his prized face mask.
HHN staff gives a tourist a new face mask.
HHN staff gives a tourist a new face mask.
People from all walks of life are grateful when given a face mask to protect themselves.
People from all walks of life are grateful when given a face mask to protect themselves.
