Customers flow back to Pattaya restaurants

The situation is improving for local restaurants.

With the booze flowing again, Pattaya restaurants are seeing their customers flow back as well.

While restaurants have been allowed to have dine-in customers for a month, most continued to suffer as the government prohibited them from selling alcohol. That prohibition was lifted June 15.

Waruthchai Nantasurasak, owner of Nai Ton noodle shop in Central Pattaya, said that after the Phase 4 easing on June 15, over 80% of his customers have come back.

A relieved Waruthchai Nantasurasak, owner of the Nai Ton noodle restaurant in central Pattaya, estimated that 80 percent of his customers have returned.

Waruthchai said his restaurant was open during most of the lockdown, but only for delivery. But noodles don’t travel well, he said, so business was terrible.

To welcome guests, he placed tables a meter or two apart, and followed other health requirements. But he thinks his missing 20 percent of customers are still wary of going out to eat.

Delivery services helped the restaurant survive during the lockdown.
Social distancing, placing tables at least a meter apart, and providing alcohol gel, the shop complies with the government’s measures.