Rescheduled Pattaya Music Festival, fireworks show eyed for year-end

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said Pattaya officials are hoping to revive the city’s tourism-driving event schedule.
Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said Pattaya officials are hoping to revive the city’s tourism-driving event schedule.

With Thailand emerging from lockdown, Pattaya officials are hoping to revive the city’s tourism-driving event schedule.

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said June 20 he expects to reschedule the Pattaya Music Festival for this fall and also hold the International Fireworks Competition and Pattaya Countdown New Year’s Eve concert.

If luck changes, Pattaya City hopes to dust off three big events to boost tourism - Pattaya Music Festival, Pattaya International Fireworks, and Pattaya Countdown.
If luck changes, Pattaya City hopes to dust off three big events to boost tourism – Pattaya Music Festival, Pattaya International Fireworks, and Pattaya Countdown.

How to do it during a pandemic remains an open question, however.

The music festival, originally set for April, was canceled due to Thailand’s coronavirus lockdown. But should the country continue with its low rate of Covid-19 infections, it could be held, albeit under tighter health restrictions, Sonthaya said.

“Presently, the government hosts tourism promotion projects to rehabilitate tourism to be lively again, although it cannot compare with how it was in the previous years. But we are sure that the situation will get better and we will be back to normal soon,” the mayor said.

Even with the new measures, city officials expect foreign tourism will be down by at least 60% this year.
Even with the new measures, city officials expect foreign tourism will be down by at least 60% this year.