Thai hospital unveils advanced operation room for vascular disease

Thammasat University Hospital has introduced its Hybrid Operation Room to treat all kinds of complex vascular disease, the most efficient of its kind in Southeast Asia.
Thammasat University Hospital has introduced its Hybrid Operation Room to treat all kinds of complex vascular disease, the most efficient of its kind in Southeast Asia.

Thammasat University Hospital has introduced its Hybrid Operation Room to treat all kinds of complex vascular disease. It is the most efficient Biplane Hybrid Operation Room in Southeast Asia.

Assoc Prof Dr Pharuhat Tor-Udom, director of the hospital, said the operation room was equipped with a biplane angiography system that enabled the treatment of complex vascular disease, especially that of blood vessels in the brain.

Its operation bed had computerized peripherals and can be used for surgery and catheterization in all body parts including the brain, spinal cord, abdomen and heart.

The operation room ensures successful treatment for all types of vascular disease. Patients would recover faster and their treatment periods at hospital would be shortened, Assoc Prof Dr Pharuhat said. (TNA)