Bell takes victory at Green Valley


The Billabong Bar Golf Society

Wednesday, Sept. 18, Green Valley – Stableford

Green Valley, our usual venue for Wednesday, was in grand condition today considering the amount of recent rain and the number of golfers that play on it.  Some of the greens may have been a little on the slow side but all in all a good day was had by all.  

There were some good scores in from the nine groups that played as there was no rain or even the threat of any.  In the winner’s circle were Helmut in fourth place with 36 points, third with 37 points was Martin Hayes, second came Ian Heddle, also with 37, and taking first place was Jim Bell with 39 points.

(Left-right): Helmut, Martin Hayes, and Jim Bell.(Left-right): Helmut, Martin Hayes, and Jim Bell.

There were four ‘2’s coming from Brian Maddox, Barry Copestake, Ian Heddle and Helmut Hebstreit.

Friday, Sept. 20, The Emerald – Stableford

It was a very depleted field today as the rain kept most of the players in bed, however there were 2 groups of intrepid golfers who started out at Emerald in a light rain that kept going all day, but it wasn’t enough to get you really wet through.

Playing with JJ Harney is always a pleasure at any time but this day he was in full Irish form; every time his playing partner missed a very short putt he was right at her poor little lady.  He was heard to say that her husband must give her too much money.  Anyway, even taking all the drama into consideration JJ came third but there was no third prize today only first and second – and second was taken by Owen Walkley with 35 points.  First place went to Capt Bob, also with 35 but winning on a count back.

As there were no ‘2’s it was a bell ring back at the bar.

Note:  The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  If you are looking for a game, call Bob on 082 204 3411, all golfers made welcome.