Joachim Klemm and Michel Roche installed as presidents of their respective Pattaya Rotary Clubs for 2019-20


Rotary’s annual tradition of bidding farewell to outgoing officers and welcoming new leaders for the following year was held at a joint gathering June 29, 2019 in the Head of State Chamber at the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel, Pattaya.

The splendid affair, chaired by Past District Governor Onanong Siripornmanut and District Governor Nominee Jareesri Kunsiripunyo saw the Rotary Clubs of Jomtien-Pattaya and Pattaya Marina (French) install their new presidents and board of directors for 2019-20.

Guest of honour, PDG Thongchai Lortrakanon spoke of the core values of Rotary and our dedication to service of mankind before proposing a toast to Rotary International.

Rtn Jariya Wuensche and PDG Peter Malhotra emceed the proceedings which saw many senior Rotarians from around Thailand including local community leaders attending to give their support to Rotarians in District 3340 R.I.

Peter asked the guests to stand for a moment’s silence to honour PP Dzenana Popin of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya and Kurt Krieger RC of Phoenix Pattaya, who passed away during the year.

The audience thoroughly enjoyed performances which included the Rabbit Dancing by children from ASEAN Education Center, Northeastern Dancing Show by little children from the Child Protection and Development Center (CPDC) and the Hats Dance by children from Drop-In Center.

The Paul Jackson duo performed during the evening and then let loose at the end of the official program which had the whole room on the dance floor for many hours afterwards.

The ceremonies to install the new presidents were conducted by the two charming lady governors, PDG Onanong Siripornmanut installed Jo Klemm as President of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya and DGN Jareesri Kunsiripunyo installed Michel Roche as President of the Rotary Club Pattaya Marina.

In their speeches, both presidents asked Rotarians to heed the words of Rotary International President for 2019-20 Mark Daniel Maloney who said, “Rotary is built on connection. When Paul Harris came to Chicago as a young lawyer, he formed Rotary for one compelling reason: to help him connect to others in a new city.

“More than a century later, we have at our disposal countless ways to form friendships and networks, most of which Paul Harris never dreamed. Yet Rotary’s ability to connect us remains unique — and unrivaled.

Through its distinct mission and structure, Rotary provides a way to connect to our communities, to network professionally, and to build strong and lasting relationships. Our membership connects us to a global community through our countless projects and programs, our leadership in polio eradication, and our work with and through the United Nations.

Our service connects us to people who share our values, who want to take action for a better world; it connects us to people we would never otherwise meet, who are more like us than we could have imagined; and it connects us to people who need our help, allowing us to change lives in communities around the world.

Our Rotary clubs are warm, welcoming places where service and family go hand in hand, we give family-oriented young professionals the opportunity to embrace Rotary service and model positive civic engagement. And when we make the expectations of Rotary offices realistic and manageable for busy professionals, we develop the skills and networks of a new generation of Rotarians — who will become Rotary leaders.

In 2019-2020, it will be our challenge to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service.”