Cabinet approves strategy to stop HIV/AIDS


BANGKOK, Oct 8 – The Thai Cabinet on Tuesday approved a strategy to put an end to the HIV/AIDS problem in the country within 20 years.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat reported the weekly Cabinet meeting’s results today saying that the body approved a national HIV/AIDS prevention and solutions strategy for 2014-2016, as proposed by the Public Health Ministry.

The strategy set a goal for 2016 targeting the reduction by two-thirds the number of new HIV/AIDS patients in order that the infection ratio in new-born babies can fall be less than two per cent. Patients will also be socially protected and provided equal access to qualified treatment, while the number of AIDS-related deaths should drop by more than half.

The spokeswoman said a budget for the project is expected next year at Bt11.2 billion, rising to Bt11.8 billion for 2015 and Bt12.5 billion for 2016 for continued protection and solutions to the problem and to achieve the United Nations’ ‘Getting to Zero’ campaign.

Between 2011-2015, World AIDS Days will have the theme of “Getting to Zero: Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths”. The World AIDS Campaign signifies a push towards greater access to treatment for all; a call for governments to act now.