Industry minister visits Chonburi industrial estate after flood reported


CHONBURI, 9 October 2013 – Industry Minister Prasert Boonchaisuk on Tuesday visited industrial zones in Chonburi after some of the entrances to Ammata Nakhon industrial estate in the province have become unusable due to inundation that resulted from continuous raining over the past 4-5 days.

The entrance to phases 7-9 of Ammata Nakhon became unusable after excessive amounts of forest runoff and water from Phanatnikhom district merged and caused inundation at the 3,020- hectare industrial estate.

Minister Prasert and representatives from the 700 plants in the estate went over flood prevention and mitigation measures being implemented at the industrial complex. The measures included the use of flood monitoring teams, the setting up of 30 water pumps, and the stocking of rapid-deployment water barriers or ‘big bags’ that could cover a distance of 6 kilometers.

According to the industrial estate management, none of the plants has been affected by the inundation because there are several other entrances that can be used. They also explained that the inundation was still present because the water release from the estate was going slowly due to the high sea level during this period.