Caravan Asia 2013 returned Home


BANGKOK, 21 October 2013 Vikrom Kromadit’s Caravan Asia 2013 has finally returned to Bangkok after months of traveling in several countries. 

The welcome back celebration of Caravan Asia 2013 was held on 18th October at ARL Makkasan station, right after the caravan arrived in Bangkok. The event included exhibitions on several missions and topics gathered from the trip as well as stage performances. Ambassadors and delegates from Laos, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, representatives of the Thai government as well as private sectors were there to welcome the group.

The Caravan Asia 2013: Bringing Asia Back Home is a road trip organized by Amata Foundation led by Mr. Vikrom Kromadit. The caravan consisted of 4 motor home vehicles traveling throughout Laos, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Myanmar. The trip explored and exchanged ideas and experiences with locals in various countries, enabling Thai people to learn more about new aspects on economy, investment, social, politic, arts and culture.

According to the Amata Foundation president, The Caravan Asia 2013 served as a friendship ambassador of Thailand. It organized many activities and lectures along its route, which received positive response from the local media. The caravan member also met with many regional and national leaders to exchange and discuss matters that would pave the way for further collaboration.

It was obvious from this trip that North Asia would be an important territory in the future. China would become a powerful nation, while Russia would become wealthy. If Thailand could catch up with this, it would radically change the way of governing, said Mr. Vikrom Kromadit.

Postcards from this trip are available for purchase. All the proceeds from postcard sales will be donated to help the three violence-plagued southernmost provinces. Also, one of the vehicles will be transformed into a mobile library to offer opportunities to children in the South to learn about the trip.