Phuket tightens up measures to regulate jet ski rental services


PHUKET, 23 Oct 2013, Phuket’s Regional Harbour Master Office has tightened up its regulations on jet ski services. Operators are now subject to license revocation if the office receives any complaint on violence, or unfair advantage taking of tourists. 

Director General of the Office, Phuripat Therapisut, indicated that the new regulation is in line with the current policies of the province’s administration in controlling the local jet ski businesses.

The Harbour Master Office has asked for cooperation from jet ski rental services in the province to systematically process their legal requirements, including license renewal, new license registration, business label change, license transfer, and licence cancellation, through formal means.

According to him, jet ski operators from now on will be required to submit petitions for the said procedures to the pier masters that that they registered with before proceeding to officials.

Jet ski service operators who fail to report to the Office of their acknowledgment of these new regulations by the end of next month without a sound reason could have their licences revoked, said Mr. Phuripat, adding that pier masters will have to inform the Office of any expired jet ski licenses within 3 months from the day of their acknowledgement.

Those who fail to comply with the new rules will be subject to punishment by law, said MrPhuripat, adding that officials have been authorized to revoke licences of operators who engage in violent activity, charging their customers inordinately, or being involved in fraudulent activities.