Stricter enforcement, better education needed to control PM 2.5 in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Gov. Charoenrit Sanguansat and government officials begin the seminar to find ways to resolve Chiang Mai’s chronic air pollution.

Authorities will have to be more vigilant when enforcing exiting laws and educating the public if Chiang Mai hopes to resolve its chronic air pollution, Gov. Charoenrit Sanguansat said.

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Speaking at a Sept. 20 seminar, the governor said more patrols and better systems to detect forest and farming fires are needed if Chiang Mai ever hopes to prevent a resurgence of dangerous micro-dust, or PM 2.5, pollution that chokes the North every year from February through April.

Hundreds of interested officials from all 25 districts attended the meeting.

More effective public relations and education efforts also are needed, with farmers taught alternative ways to clear their fields.

The seminar focused on integrated management and establishing a network of cooperating partners. Participants listened to suggestions, guidelines and plans for solving problems long-term.

Those attending were from relevant government agencies and representatives from local government organizations in all 25 districts.