Killed by the anti-social media


‘Gadget overload’ is making driving riskier, says new research from Zurich Insurance.  Motor manufacturers may have made cars safer, but more than four out of five UK motorists say distractions from gadgets including Sat Navs, iPods, mobile phones and DVD players is now making driving riskier.

Nearly half of the motorists admitted to being distracted by phone calls and texts while driving, with 22 percent checking social media accounts behind the wheel.

The research also found that a rise in the number of cyclists on Britain’s roads is contributing to drivers feeling at risk, with almost a third of motorists blaming them as the number one distraction ‘outside of their control.’  (They would have a nervous breakdown dealing with our motorcycle maniacs!)

The top 10 road risks today versus 10 years ago:

1. More people using mobile phones (68%)

2. More cars on road (67%)

3. More reckless drivers (61%)

4. More urgency to get to destination (44%)

5. More people using sat navs (39%)

6. The number of vans/lorries on the road (30%)

7. More speed cameras (29%)

8. More cyclists (29%)

9. More signs on the road (27%)

10. More motorcyclists on the road (16%)