Police ready to guard rally sites if allowed


BANGKOK, Dec 6 – The government today offered to provide security to anti-government protesters after two of their guards were wounded Thursday night.

Pol Maj Gen Piya Utayo, spokesman for the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), said the Metropolitan Police Command was assigned to talk with protest leaders about dispatching police forces to protect rally sites.

He said the CAPO insists that it would refrain from forcibly dispersing protesters but will carry on protecting state property, avoiding violence, seeking return of areas and government buildings occupied by demonstrators and taking legal action against wrongdoers.

He said police have yet to arrest suspects who threw firecrackers and a home-made bomb into the rally sites  near the Democracy Monument on Ratchdamnoen Avenue and the Finance Ministry on Soi Aree.

Two guards and a teenager were wounded in the two incidents.