Bert Elson awarded “Special Recognition” for work during pandemic

All of the food delivery areas were chosen due to their needs being the most urgent.

Earlier in the year the Royal British Legion asked branches to nominate anyone who had gone out of their way to help in the local community during the Covid pandemic. RBL President Mark Bowling nominated Bert Elson for the food and necessary item packages distributed to Thai local people, many of whom have found this time a particular struggle.

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Bert was awarded “Special Recognition.” Bert would be the first to say this was a team effort, as his wife and staff played a key role in coordinating and distributing the packages around the local area.

RBL President Mark Bowling said, “This is great news, very pleased for Bert his staff and all those members who helped do a superb job helping those less fortunate during the crisis.”

Chairman Bob Mann commented, “I commend Bert and his team at the Tropical Restaurant, but the award is also for the branch, this was an RBLT effort with many members helping out and making contributions in true legion spirit.”

Bert Elson handing over food parcels to the Thai Red Cross.

Car loaded for one of the deliveries.


Queuing for the food parcel handout.

Staff carrying out another hand over to very grateful resident.


Tropical staff packing the food parcels which were made up with the money kindly donated by Branch members.