Pattaya Rotary Interactors commemorate 1st anniversary

President Dr. Margret Deter of the Rotary E-Club Dolphin Pattaya International, together with CP Dr. Otmar Deter and Assistant Governor Maneeya Engelking of District 3340 Rotary International pose for a photo with members of the Rotary Club Dolphin International Pattaya and the United Interact Club of Burapa Pattanasart International School.

President Dr. Margret Deter of the Rotary E-Club Dolphin Pattaya International, together with CP Dr. Otmar Deter and Assistant Governor Maneeya Engelking of District 3340 Rotary International attended a ceremony to present certificates to 9 members of the United Interact Club of Burapa Pattanasart International School in Pattaya to commemorate the 1st anniversary since receiving its charter from Rotary International.

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The ceremony was held at AE&EK Steak Restaurant on Sept. 25.

The nine recipients werePresident Anastasia Dementyeya,Vice President Chutima Brunkhorst, Mansi Agarwal, Anthony Frankland, Elizaveta Stepanova, Patrick Vester, Can Isikman, Maya Karpova and Daria Kovalenko Vladimirnova.

President Dr. Margret Deter said, “we congratulate you on this milestone and are very proud that in such a short period you have been working very hard in projects such as beach cleaning andhelping toprepare clothing, food and other necessities for transport to be donated tothe needy in the border areas around Thailand.”

President Margret gave a little introduction of Interact saying, “Interact clubs bring together young people between the ages of 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.

Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Rotary club sponsors mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.”

She asked schools that are interested in forming an Interact club should contact a local Rotary club to assist them to do so.

Anastasia Dementyeya


Chutima Brunkhorst
Mansi Agarwal

Anthony Frankland
Elizaveta Stepanova


Patrick Vester
Can Isikman

Maya Karpova
Daria Kovalenko Vladimirnova