Pattaya Vegetarian Festival ends complaint-free

Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation rescue chief Parsit Thongtidcharoen inspects food booths at the Vegetarian Festival. All were found to be in compliance.

The Pattaya Vegetarian Festival wraps Monday and organizers praised food sellers for safely preparing meals with no complaints.

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Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation rescue chief Parsit Thongtidcharoen on Oct. 24 inspected food booths at the organization’s annual fair, which ends Oct. 26, and found rigorous food safety and disease-control measures still in place.

He said all servers wore face masks and only touched food while wearing rubber gloves. As per food-hygiene standards, all food servers also wore hairnets.

Parsit said no complaints about food safety or disease-control measures were received during the festival.

All servers wore face masks and only touched food while wearing rubber gloves.

The popular annual event is ending with no complaints.