Thailand FDA approves COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine for emergency use

The Thai FDA has approved the registration of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca in Italy with the first delivery due in February, consisting of 50,000 doses.

Bangkok – The FDA Secretary General Paisal Dunkhum, said today the FDA had approved the registration of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca in Italy, after the company had sent nearly 10,000 pages of documents for registration in Thailand for approved use during the state of emergency since December 22, 2020. Efficacy, quality and safety of the vaccine was considered by the FDA.

He added that the first delivery of vaccine from AstraZeneca is due in February, consisting of 50,000 doses. The import license lasts one year. When the vaccine arrives in Thailand, the Department of Medical Sciences will conduct a random inspection of the vaccine to determine its quality before providing it to people. More deliveries, numbering 150,000 doses of vaccine in total, will follow in March and April, he said.

As for the production of the COVID-19 vaccine by AstraZeneca and Siam Bioscience, he said registration of a production facility in Thailand will allow it to become effective in Thailand in May. (NNT)