Joint Chambers of Commerce greet each other in 2014


The first Joint Chambers meeting for 2014 took place in the Marriott’s Dicey Reilly’s Pub on Second Road.  The Chambers were the British Chamber of Commerce (BCCT), the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), the Australian Chamber of Commerce (AustCham) and the South African Chamber (SACham).

There was a very good roll-up for this first meeting but the numbers were swelled by the members of the Auto Focus Group (AFG) joining after their AGM (and drinking a toast to the new AFG president Frank Holzer).

(L to R) Paul Strachan, Neil Maniquiz, Head of the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya International Marketing Department, Suree Bunplook, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya International Marketing Executive, Janya Rattanaliam, Deputy Head of the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya International Marketing and Dr. Iain Corness.

Mention must be made of the food presented by the Marriott.  A full carvery with a minestrone soup as well.  So much better than soggy sandwiches.  Well done Marriott.

Paul Strachan and Dr. Iain did their first Doc and Jock show for 2014 and interviewed two lovely ladies (Nui and Suree) from the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya who said that despite tourist numbers being affected by travel advisory bulletins from many countries, the numbers in Pattaya were increased by so many Thais leaving the capital and coming to the safety of Pattaya.

(L to R) Michael Diamente from Dana Spicer, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Corporate Sales Executive for Hilton Pattaya, David R. Nardone, President & CEO of Hemaraj Land and Development PCL and Peter Malhotra, MD of Pattaya Mail Media Group.(L to R) Michael Diamente from Dana Spicer, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Corporate Sales Executive for Hilton Pattaya, David R. Nardone, President & CEO of Hemaraj Land and Development PCL and Peter Malhotra, MD of Pattaya Mail Media Group.

Another interviewee was Simon Matthews (Manpower) who reiterated the fact that whilst some main arterials were being blocked, for just about everyone it was ‘business as usual’.  The ‘as usual’ also extended to his shirts, obviously not getting a plain one for Xmas.

Always looking on the bright side was Cees Cuijpers (Town and Country Property) who firmly believes that Thailand always comes good, no matter what!

(L to R) Urai Chaiyam, Suman Luncasgard from Town & Country Property, Annda Longthong from 4A Properties, Mayuree Van Gueht and Piyanuch Puangkhamnuan from Town & Country Property.(L to R) Urai Chaiyam, Suman Luncasgard from Town & Country Property, Annda Longthong from 4A Properties, Mayuree Van Gueht and Piyanuch Puangkhamnuan from Town & Country Property.

The gathering was host to the British Ambassador HE Mark Kent (briefly) who was being looked after by Graham Macdonald (now a Seth Effriken) and Executive Director Greg Watkins.

As is the case at these events, there are always some delightful ladies, including Eve Namkhammee and Meaw Chaivorawat from the Hilton, Gap from Houghton, Punthanun Thanayupong (Coffee Works) and Jina Phenix from the BCCT itself.

(L to R) Greg Watkins, Executive Director of the BCCT, Graham Macdonald MBE, Managing Director of MBMG Group, H.E. Mark Kent, British Ambassador to Thailand, and Simon Matthews, Country Manager Thailand, Manpower Group.(L to R) Greg Watkins, Executive Director of the BCCT, Graham Macdonald MBE, Managing Director of MBMG Group, H.E. Mark Kent, British Ambassador to Thailand, and Simon Matthews, Country Manager Thailand, Manpower Group.

An interesting chap was Mano Athisumongkol from the Vehicle Spot, who purveys fine horseless carriages to the gentry, and who is also a lawyer, so presumably can handle all the legals as well in the after sales service.

(L to R) Tanat Doungpratom, Sales & Marketing Manager, Benchamat Phudthiradvittaya, Senior Sales Manager, Chananchida Wongsa-ard, Sales Manager, Sukhumnanda Sukudom, Assistant Director of Sales, Holiday Inn Pattaya and Sattawat Charoenlarp, Assistant Manager, Sales of Amari Orchid Pattaya.(L to R) Tanat Doungpratom, Sales & Marketing Manager, Benchamat Phudthiradvittaya, Senior Sales Manager, Chananchida Wongsa-ard, Sales Manager, Sukhumnanda Sukudom, Assistant Director of Sales, Holiday Inn Pattaya and Sattawat Charoenlarp, Assistant Manager, Sales of Amari Orchid Pattaya.

From the ranks of the other chambers we saw David Nardone (AmCham) and Paul Wilkinson (AustCham), plus a host of new faces with charming young Dicey Reilly’s ladies plying red or white wine or beer to the thirsty networkers.

The next Joint Chambers networking will be on February 21, with AmCham being the principal host.

(L to R) Michael Diamente from Dana Spicer, Karnmanee Saengchan, Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya, Armin Walter, Production Manager, EFTEC (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and Sattawat Charoenlarp, Assistant Manager, Sales of Amari Orchid Pattaya.(L to R) Michael Diamente from Dana Spicer, Karnmanee Saengchan, Sales Manager of Amari Orchid Pattaya, Armin Walter, Production Manager, EFTEC (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and Sattawat Charoenlarp, Assistant Manager, Sales of Amari Orchid Pattaya.

(L to R) Sukhumnanda Sukudom, Assistant Director of Sales, Holiday Inn Pattaya, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Sales Executive - Corporate of Hilton Pattaya, Teereeya Namkhammee, Senior Sales Manager of Hilton Pattaya, and Alex Hutton-Potts from Simplicity and Sander van der Linden.(L to R) Sukhumnanda Sukudom, Assistant Director of Sales, Holiday Inn Pattaya, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Sales Executive – Corporate of Hilton Pattaya, Teereeya Namkhammee, Senior Sales Manager of Hilton Pattaya, and Alex Hutton-Potts from Simplicity and Sander van der Linden.

(L to R) Chonlatee Nakamadee, Guru of Dusit D2 baraquda Pattaya, Mark Butters, Director of RSM Advisory Thailand Ltd., and Paul Wilkins.(L to R) Chonlatee Nakamadee, Guru of Dusit D2 baraquda Pattaya, Mark Butters, Director of RSM Advisory Thailand Ltd., and Paul Wilkins.

(L to R) Larry Jackson, Business Development of ThyssenKrupp Elevator (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Rainer Roessles from Wine Direct International and Damien Kerneis, Key Account Manager of Geodis Wilson Thai Ltd. (L to R) Larry Jackson, Business Development of ThyssenKrupp Elevator (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Rainer Roessles from Wine Direct International and Damien Kerneis, Key Account Manager of Geodis Wilson Thai Ltd.

(L to R) Ken Bright, Manufacturing & Engineering Manager of Chassis Brakes International (Thailand) Limited, L. Peter Johanson, MD of Tellus and Shane Van Harten, Project Manager of Chassis Brakes International (Thailand) Limited.(L to R) Ken Bright, Manufacturing & Engineering Manager of Chassis Brakes International (Thailand) Limited, L. Peter Johanson, MD of Tellus and Shane Van Harten, Project Manager of Chassis Brakes International (Thailand) Limited.

(L to R) Pasit Foobunma, Board Member/Web Master, South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Supawadee Rodwinit, Director, Helmut Buchberger, Managing Director of ABC Asian Business and Allan Riddell, Director of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce.(L to R) Pasit Foobunma, Board Member/Web Master, South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Supawadee Rodwinit, Director, Helmut Buchberger, Managing Director of ABC Asian Business and Allan Riddell, Director of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce.

Steve Murphy, John Howarth, MD of Asia Pacific Pensions and Jintana Phenix, Membership and Publication Coordinator of BCCT.Steve Murphy, John Howarth, MD of Asia Pacific Pensions and Jintana Phenix, Membership and Publication Coordinator of BCCT.

Watcharapong Chanthaduang, Account Sales Executive of Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa (center) poses for a picture with staff of Town & Country Property.Watcharapong Chanthaduang, Account Sales Executive of Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa (center) poses for a picture with staff of Town & Country Property.

Peter Windgasse (left) and John Howarth, MD of Asia Pacific Pensions.Peter Windgasse (left) and John Howarth, MD of Asia Pacific Pensions.

(L to R) Wachira Wongsoona, Admin Assistant, Soodtida Gaewpudcha, Executive Assistant and Tipayasuda Budsarakham, Admin Assistant of Coastal Real Estate.(L to R) Wachira Wongsoona, Admin Assistant, Soodtida Gaewpudcha, Executive Assistant and Tipayasuda Budsarakham, Admin Assistant of Coastal Real Estate.

Joint Chambers of Commerce greet each other in 2014