BANGKOK – The Appeal Court turned down a request for the temporary release of anti-government demonstration leaders Parit Chiwarak, Arnon Nampa and Somyot Phrueksakasemsuk who faced charges related to their rally last September.
The Court of First Instance earlier ordered their detention pending trial on 11 charges including lese majeste and sedition in relation to their rally at Thammasat University and Sanam Luang ground on Sept 19-20 last year. On Feb 12 it forwarded their repeated request for bail to the Appeal Court.
The Appeal Court rejected the request, stating that the charges carried heavy punishment and concerned an act of a group of people that could cause damage and disorder and have widespread impacts.
Undisturbed by laws, the three defendants delivered their speeches that tarnished the revered royal institution, affected the heart of general public and likely to prompt people to break laws.
If they were released, the three could cause more harm and damage and could escape, the Appeal Court stated. (TNA)