Moriarty sparkles at Emerald


The Pattaya Golf Society (IPGC) at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

After being spoilt with a number of fine courses recently, the Pattaya Golf Society lowered its aspirations slightly with a visit to Emerald on Wednesday, 5th March, to play a stableford competition on the friendly Ban Chang course.  The course condition could best be described as “Emeraldish” with the crabgrass still evident on the fairways and greens which were reasonable.

The field was divided into two flights at sixteen and under and in the second flight the two Larrys, Slattery and Ang, shared third place with 31 points.  In second was Dave Lehane, finding some form at last and the flight was won by Dave Plaiter with a level par 36 points which included the day’s only birdie ‘2’, on the fifteenth.

The top flight had Greg Gawron and Andrew Purdie sharing second place with 35 points whilst Dave Moriarty shot the best round of the day, finishing with 37 points for the win.

Rabbi’s consolation beer went to Jorn Eriksen on his return and the Booby Bevy went to Steve Jones for his substandard round of eighteen points.  Despite the usual frustrations at Emerald the group had enjoyed a good day.

Wichai has all the answers

A fine, warm day on Friday, 7th March saw the Pattaya Golf Society travel to Crystal Bay to play a stableford competition in two flights with the cut at seventeen and under.  The general course condition was quite good but the greens on the A and B nines were uneven and patchy and more than a few golfers left shots on the course.

In the second flight, Alan Walker managed 32 points for steady third place whilst Masashi Iizumi went one better to record a second place with 33.  The flight winner was Brian Shaw who shook off a lack of sleep to post 36 points.

The top flight saw better scores with David Thomas and Robbie Taylor sharing third place with 33 points.  Local member Takeshi Hakozaki recorded 37 points for second place and Wichai Tananusorn recorded his first forty point total of the year to take a deserved win with the best gross of the day, 75 shots.

Steve Jones shared the ‘2’s prize with Masashi Iizumi, with birdies coming on the picturesque B6 and Jorn Eriksen savoured Rabbi’s consolation free beer for the second consecutive round.  Finally, John Tallett accepted the Booby Bevy as a farewell gesture knowing he would be returning again in a couple of months time.