Senate candidates launch campaigns as Election Day approaches


NAKHON RATCHASIMA, 18 March 2014 – Nationwide candidates running for seats in the Upper House have started their election campaigns as the Senate Election is due in less than two weeks.

As the election is scheduled for March 30th, candidates are stepping up their election campaigns. In Nakhon Ratchasima Province, six candidates put up signs and banners introducing themselves to the public, and calling on all eligible voters to exercise their rights.

Meanwhile in Trang Province, the senate candidates added a little fun to their campaign launch, riding tricycles along the streets to greet the people.

In Satun and Surat Thani, the Election Commission Officers are getting themselves and the voters ready for the senate election by sending out letters reminding electors to show up at polling stations on March 30th.

The Election Commission earlier said it expected the Senate Election to proceed smoothly, while anticipating that voter turnout will be as high as 75 percent.