Children, women main focus of anti-tobacco campaign


BANGKOK, 24 May 2011  – The Ministry of Public Health will focus on children and women in its anti-tobacco campaign for the World No Tobacco Day this year after they are found to be main targets of cigarette companies. 

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit chaired a press briefing of the event scheduled on 31 May 2011. He stated that the World Health Organisation (WHO) this year has selected ‘The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)’ as the theme of the event this year.

The campaign will emphasise on law enforcement and inform people of their rights to protect their health from tobacco fume. Children and women will be focused more after they are found to be targets of tobacco companies.

Female smokers are at risk of getting lung cancer, coronary heart disease, ageing and delayed pregnancy. According to the Department of Disease Control, the smoking rate among youth aged 15 years old is found to be increasing.

The 2010-2014 tobacco control operation of the Ministry of Public Health has targeted to reduce the number of young smokers to 10% and cut the number of cigarettes by 20% in five years.

The World No Tobacco Day event this year will be arranged on 31 May 2011 at Siam Paragon Shopping Complex. Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali will graciously preside over the opening ceremony of the event and present awards for people and agencies working to control tobacco.