NESDB presents solutions to Maptaput problems


The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) has planned three solutions to the prevailing problems of Maptaput industrial estate for the new government to consider and approve.

According to NESDB Secretary-General Akom Termpittayapaisit, the first solution is to expedite implementation of 32 projects worth 1.4 billion baht already approved by the cabinet. Among them are the establishment of the air quality control station and the expansion of the Maptaput hospital.

The second solution is to revise various projects to reduce pollution in Rayong province under the 2010-2012 operational plan which have already been approved by the National Environment Board. However, some of these projects have not yet been allocated the necessary budgets and therefore need to be updated for proper financial support and integrated implementation.

The last solution is to address the problem in full by concentrating on six aspects, namely to develop environmentally friendly businesses, support public health education, turn the industrial estate into an eco-friendly industrial city, develop infrastructural projects and ensure their fair use, develop systematic city planning and efficiently manage the plan.

Based on the analysis by the NESDB and Rayong province, the Maptaput zone will continue to be the production base for the country’s petrochemical and energy industries but will be using cleaner technology with higher production costs. Meanwhile, local people will be given greater participation in inspecting the development process.

As for the environmental quality situation, air quality, water pollution and waste problems remain at acceptable levels, except for some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are higher than the regulated level. In addition, contamination of heavy metals and VOCs is still found in waterways but the problem is being addressed.