Royal Thai Air Force joins BDMS in setting up field hospital for yellow patients

Thupatemi Royal Thai Air Force Sports Stadium was transformed into a field hospital with the cooperation of the Royal Thai Air Force and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Co. Ltd. (BDMS), to take care of yellow level patients with medium symptoms with its full capacity of 120 beds and it will be in service for a total of two months.

With sustained demand for hospital beds to treat COVID-19 patients, the Royal Thai Air Force has converted space in its Thupatemi Sports Stadium into a 100-bed field hospital.

Thupatemi Royal Thai Air Force Sports Stadium was transformed into a field hospital with the cooperation of the Royal Thai Air Force and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Co. Ltd. (BDMS), which set up care systems and provided medical personnel to the site, so that it may take on overflow patients from standard facilities.

“The air force has personnel and space, so we have been collaborating with various organizations such as Chulabhorn Royal Academy and in this case, BDMS, to establish field hospitals in service of the citizens. We are looking at two more locations but it will depend on the availability of medical personnel, who must be provided with considerable additional training. Nonetheless, we will provide our full support”

The sports stadium field hospital is geared towards yellow level patients with medium symptoms. Its full capacity is 120 beds and it will be in service for a total of two months, drawing personnel from Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital and the air force’s own medical division to provide care. Taking on both male and female patients, the hospital has been in operation since July 28 and its medical personnel are assisted by technological innovations that reduce contact and the risk of infection. The added equipment has improved the efficiency of the hospital’s attendants.

“We are employing technology and rapid treatment to prevent yellow patients from turning into red patients. We have plans to communicate with patients using mobile phone applications, but for those incapable of accessing the system, we will use robots equipped with cameras that will allow us to view them. At all times, we will be able to monitor the patient hall through a monitor set up in another room. Each of our nurses has been tasked with the care of one group of patients; once everything is in place, they will most likely be overseeing 13-15 patients per person”

“The main limitation of the field hospital is available personnel, this is likely to be a problem at every facility. I have worked at several locations prior to here, so I was able to adapt the setup here somewhat, to compensate for these limitations and to improve safety for the team. The reality is that every field hospital is adapting on the fly and is constantly recalibrating”

The Thupatemi Royal Thai Air Force Sports Stadium field hospital meets Ministry of Public Health standards and has a management plan for the effective care of patients. Critical patients entering the red level will be forwarded to BDMS network hospitals immediately in the interests of their safety. (NNT)