Temporary road Accident Prevention and Reduction Center opens in Lopburi


LOPBURI, 11 April 2014 – Lopburi Province has established a temporary Accident Prevention and Reduction Center for this year’s Songkran Festival.

Lopburi Governor Thanakom Jongjira presided over an opening ceremony to launch the temporary road safety center under the slogan “Creating a culture of safety so that Songkran can be free of road accidents.” The center is in operation for the entire period from April 11th to April 17th.

The provincial governor also announced that six measures would be followed to help reduce road accidents. The six measures include having efficient management procedures, enforcing traffic laws, fostering the right values in society, proper road engineering, using public relations to provide information, and having emergency medical units to provide help at all times. By pursuing these goals, the province hopes to lower the number of deaths and casualties this Songkran compared to the toll last year.

Meanwhile, the Lopburi police are also enforcing stringent measures to control traffic behavior by establishing checkpoints, detecting excessive speed, and handing out fliers promoting safe driving to everybody.