Media urged to help create peace and unity in the nation


BANGKOK, 3 May 2014  – The Thai Journalists Association is calling on all press agencies to present news that does not create hatred or lead to conflict and violence.

The Thai Journalists Association (TJA), in cooperation with the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association, held an activity on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day which falls on May 3rd of every year. During the event, both associations called on all press agencies to be more responsible when presenting news to the public, advising that all media provide information that does not foment violence or stir up conflict in the society. The two press associations added that although the media has the right to express themselves freely, it should still adhere to the core principle set by UNESCO.

The TJA also reminded the government of its duty to respect and uphold the rights to freedom of expression of the press, adding that the media has been playing a pivotal role in promoting transparency and good governance in the Thai society.

May 3rd has been declared as the World Press Freedom Day by the United Nations General Assembly in an attempt to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press.