Japan offers to help Pattaya mitigate beach pollution

Pattaya Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai met with representatives of JICA who offered to help supply technology to solve the area’s pollution problems.

Japanese researchers offered to help Pattaya mitigate the amount of garbage washing up on local beaches.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) offered the city technology to solve environmental problems, during a meeting with Pattaya Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai Oct. 30.

Seasonal tides and strong storms often sweep tons of plastic, metal and paper waste on to Jomtien Beach and, to a lesser degree, Pattaya and Naklua beaches, along with natural debris.

Much of the waste flows south from Bangkok and its surrounding provinces where residents and businesses flush waste into canals. Some also comes from offshore vessels and from the Pattaya area itself, particularly through storm-drainage pipes that vent into the sea.

JICA, which has written development plans for Pattaya in the past, said it could offer technology to mitigate the pollution, although the source of much of the pollution lies elsewhere. The agency offered to send a team of experts to Pattaya to discuss how Japan could help. (PCPR)

Waste flows down from Bangkok and the surrounding provinces and washes up on Jomtien beach.